

Welcome to the launch of The South Dakota Standard! Tom Lawrence and I will bring you thoughts and ideas concerning issues pertinent to the health and well-being of our political culture. Feel free to let us know what you are thinking.

How did he end up here, and what led him to this place? Shawn Bitz tells a long story, but it has a very happy ending

How did he end up here, and what led him to this place? Shawn Bitz tells a long story, but it has a very happy ending

As I rounded the corner to a coworker’s office, there she sat, surrounded by paperwork as if she’d been attacked by it. She looked up at me and said, “Where did I go wrong?”

How many times I’ve asked that same question to myself. Where … did … I… go … wrong? Where did I mess it up? Why didn’t I go to law school? Why didn’t I start writing earlier in life, when I had a much stronger voice?

Well, I dunno. No, that’s not true. I do know. To a point. The truth is I was struck down by a serious mental illness that quite nearly paralyzed me for much of my adult life. I sailed my ship of safety as long and far as I could. But that’s another story and for another time.

My bottom line today? Truly. I did not go wrong. I did not mess it up. I did what I did, for whatever reasons, and I got what I got. Which is beyond fabulous (a situation perhaps symbolized by the rainbow above from a public domain photo posted in wikimedia commons). My life today is a dream come true. I am sober and safe from myself.

I am in a wonderful marriage with a woman who is my best friend and who I love very much. My addictions and mental illness are in remission. I am loved by many wonderful people, we live in a beautiful home with two pups who keep us entertained, I was able to write, record, and perform my music for almost 20 years, and even managed to write and publish two novels.

And I have a faith in my God that works for me. On and on and on. If we are here to learn, which I absolutely believe, and we continue to learn through the ups and downs, then there’s no such a thing as a mistake. Only more learning. More adjustments.

We’re OK just as we are. Where we are is OK. Maybe it’s perfect. I dunno. What I do know is I believe in all of us to have the ability to someday, somehow have a happy childhood.

My bottom line today: What and who I am is so much more important than what I have or don’t have. What I have or haven’t accomplished. And where I’m going next.

That's the coolest part. What’s next? I’m still here. Wow. Still in the game, man. Alive and weller than I likely have the right to be.

In short, I love life and it seems to love me back. Just some thoughts for the day. Hope you all are doing OK and thanks for checking in. Blessings.

Shawn Bitz of Rapid City is a writer, singer-songwriter and musician who led the group Abby Someone. His book “Butterfly Pit Crew” is available at Amazon.

Biden-Xi summit, GOP anti-China rhetoric underscore our love/hate relationship with the People’s Republic

Biden-Xi summit, GOP anti-China rhetoric underscore our love/hate relationship with the People’s Republic

Former Aberdeen mayor Mike Levsen: The GOP has lost its way, and is being led by dangerous and poorly informed idiots

Former Aberdeen mayor Mike Levsen: The GOP has lost its way, and is being led by dangerous and poorly informed idiots