

Welcome to the launch of The South Dakota Standard! Tom Lawrence and I will bring you thoughts and ideas concerning issues pertinent to the health and well-being of our political culture. Feel free to let us know what you are thinking.

Noem striking out and committing error after error to show she is not ready for political big leagues

Noem striking out and committing error after error to show she is not ready for political big leagues

Baseball analogy coming. 

Gov. Kristi Noem has struck out (like the batter swinging above in a public domain image posted on wikimedia commons) many times and made numerous errors, too.

It’s hard to know where to start: Her jobs — which are blatantly political — ads about “Freedom works here.” If you are a female of child-bearing age here, you are a prisoner. A STRIKE.

If your family has a child dealing with gender dysphoria your entire family are prisoners. A STRIKE.

If you are an independent voter you are also a prisoner. AND you get taxed for it. A STRIKE.

So many people have written about her murder of the family puppy “Cricket,” I won’t bother. ERROR.

Her latest book — apparently she DIDN’T meet with the dictator of North Korea. The publishers are removing her words on that topic. Another ERROR.

She is blaming her ghostwriter for “small errors” in HER book. She obviously didn’t proofread it before sending it to the publisher. That’s two STRIKES, one for not proofreading. One for blaming the ghostwriter rather than taking responsibility for it. That’s like blaming the bat for striking out.

Her trip to Texas to get a perfect smile. ERROR.

Her recorded endorsement of the dental guy. ERROR.

Her lack of understanding of the level of poverty here. Think child care and the school lunch program. TWO STRIKES.

Her lack of understanding and respect for the sovereign nations (reservations) within our border. ERROR.

Her manipulation of the system to benefit a family member. STRIKE.

Based on her numerous strikes and errors, she doesn’t belong in the big leagues. The minor leagues probably don’t want her, either. For those of us in the stands, we need to remember she is a lame duck, with about 970 days left in her term.

It’s becoming obvious some of her teammates — legislators and other Republicans — are eager and willing to help her pack her things and move on.

Please feel free to add your strikes and errors. The thoughts expressed above are mine. I don’t have a ghostwriter. They are not meant to mimic the thoughts of anyone, living or dead. 

Rick Knobe is a former mayor of Sioux Falls and a longtime radio talk show host who is now retired but remains active and involved in his community and state. His columns appear regularly on The South Dakota Standard. You can contact him at

South Dakota cannabis legalization campaign submits 29,030 signatures to South Dakota Secretary of State Johnson

South Dakota cannabis legalization campaign submits 29,030 signatures to South Dakota Secretary of State Johnson

Gov. Kristi Noem has always relied on herself, but that same confidence has led to a humiliating exposure

Gov. Kristi Noem has always relied on herself, but that same confidence has led to a humiliating exposure