

Welcome to the launch of The South Dakota Standard! Tom Lawrence and I will bring you thoughts and ideas concerning issues pertinent to the health and well-being of our political culture. Feel free to let us know what you are thinking.

Sioux Falls City Council needs fresh faces and ideas to implement needed policies and changes

Sioux Falls City Council needs fresh faces and ideas to implement needed policies and changes

It’s time to “stir the pot.” Or “rock the boat,” if you prefer nautical terms.

Jordan Deffenbaugh, a candidate for an at-large seat on the Sioux Falls City Council, can do either. Deffenbaugh doesn’t want to spill the pot or tip the boat over. He does have ideas that when implemented will change policies and attitudes for the better.

He is young. Full of enthusiasm. Many ideas. Loves neighborhood-preservation projects. Has ideas on supporting small businesses. I think you would call him a “people person.”

Candidly, he reminds me of me when I was 27 and ran for mayor in 1974 — 50 years ago. Like me, he doesn’t know what he can’t do, so he does it. I think we need more people like that in local offices.

Like me in 1974, Jordan does not have the support of the establishment types. The mayor allegedly doesn’t want him. I think it’s because Jordan will not be controlled.

In my opinion, the current council needs a little stirring up. They are nice people but have steered clear of dealing with important issues — climate change, for one. 

They seem to follow the mayor, without question. The mayor isn’t always wrong. He isn’t always right, either. There is nothing wrong with debate on public issues. I know the community wants it.

I believe Jordan Deffenbaugh will work hard to make it happen.

Change Agents of South Dakota (the organization’s logo, posted on its Facebook page, is seen above) have endorsed him for City Council. They have also endorsed Miranda Basye, another young person with energy and ideas, for the Northeast District seat.

For the Sioux Falls school board, Change Agents have endorsed Gail Swenson, she has teaching, administrative and superintendent experience. She will do a little pot-stirring, too.

Election Day is Tuesday, April 9. Early voting is happening now on the third floor of the Minnehaha County Administrative Building, the same building where you get your license plates.

Local elections matter. These folks impact our daily lives in many ways. We need solid and creative people leading us.

Rick Knobe is a former mayor of Sioux Falls and a longtime radio talk show host who is now retired but remains active and involved in his community and state. His columns appear regularly on The South Dakota Standard.

Railroad veteran: Building ‘railroad to nowhere’ through South Dakota makes no sense, should not be considered

Railroad veteran: Building ‘railroad to nowhere’ through South Dakota makes no sense, should not be considered

South Dakota rancher/poet/essayist Linda M. Hasselstrom celebrates the spring birds of our state’s prairies

South Dakota rancher/poet/essayist Linda M. Hasselstrom celebrates the spring birds of our state’s prairies