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Some tips on how to enjoy Christmas and make it a merry and truly memorable day for you and your loved ones

Some tips on how to enjoy Christmas and make it a merry and truly memorable day for you and your loved ones

Memories of past holidays are among our most cherished assets. We treasure those reflections of family, friends, meals, presents, trees and special moments. Make sure you take a few moments to enjoy those wonderful times and the people who made them special.

Every Christmas is special. Some may have brought you better presents and tastier meals, but others were memorable because of a hilarious family moment, a tender, emotionally powerful celebration, or a poignant period alone.

Remember the people who helped you enjoy Christmas before, from grandparents, parents, siblings or other relatives who may have passed on, to friends who invited you into their homes and hearts for the holiday.

Realize how fortunate you are to live now, when medical advancements have prolonged lives, when the economy is strong and sustainable, when diversity is celebrated and not feared. Is this a perfect period? Of course not. There is no such time. But we live in a land of plenty, without war or plague to concern us.

You have the ability to make this a wonderful holiday for yourself and your loved ones. It matters not how much you spend on gifts, how tall your tree is or how new the car you drive to the store to buy groceries. Those are mere minor details. It’s within you to be happy and content and make others feel the same way.

Christ remains at the center of Christmas for Christians. His birth more than two millennia ago is the real reason for this season for people who follow this faith. If you wish, take time to read the Bible, to study his words and teachings, and to truly take them to heart.

Holy days such as this are to be honored in church but also at home, work and other places we frequent. Take an attitude of loving and forgiveness and make that your guide for this time — and for all times.

Ring in the holiday with good cheer, too. This is a time to rejoice, to smile and laugh and embrace this great day we are recognizing and the promise of eternal life that is made to us. Watch the eyes of children (like those above in a public domain 1897 painting posted on wikimedia commons) as they view a lighted tree or tear open a present. Make sure this is a happy holiday.

Instead of worrying about the daily pressures of life, seek calm and contentment during Christmas. Look about you at the people who share this time and give thanks that they are at your side.

Stay away from indulgences that can spoil the holiday for you and others. It’s a time to enjoy a good meal and, if you choose, to raise a glass to toast the season. But remember that this is a time for faith and family, not frivolity and foolishness.

Take time to capture images of the holiday, with a camera or a phone, but also with your mind. Store away the smiles, laughter and love you will witness. They are gifts that will return to you for many years.

Make time for others. Say hello to a neighbor, or call an old friend. Wish a colleague “Merry Christmas!” or say “Happy holidays!” to a stranger you meet at a door. For some, this is a lonely time — if you can change that for someone, please do.

Ask your loved ones what Christmas means to them. Take the time to really listen. Share stories, hopes and dreams. Shut off the noises and machines that clutter our life and really talk to each other. You may discover things you never knew, and it will likely make you feel closer to the people who matter most.

Savor these days. Have a joyous time. Make this a wonderful time for you and those around. Merry Christmas!

Tom Lawrence has written for several newspapers and websites in South Dakota and other states and contributed to The New York Times, NPR, The  Telegraph, The Daily Beast and other media outlets.

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